• Tools for Science Fiction Performance

    We will share tools and methods to unleash utopian potential within the artistic scenarios we are creating. The workshop addresses science-fiction performance practices and related techniques.

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    Course Fee:
    EUR 580
  • The (Art-)School of Provisional. Artistic Practice in times of Crises

    "Necessity is the mother of invention", which means art, creativity and catastrophe share the same origin, and improvisation also plays an important role. But what mechanisms are at play? How can we turn them into...

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    Course Fee:
    EUR 530
  • Crafting Beyond Utopia: Bio-Materials and Poetic Futures

    #design #text

    This course combines hands-on work with bio-materials like bio-plastics, and theoretical discussions on repair, healing and imagination. Participants engage in hands-on projects, challenge Western...

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    Course Fee:
    EUR 580
  • Utopian Relationships: Autoethnographies of Naturecultures


    The course explores the entanglement of nature and culture through embodied somatic knowledge production. By investigating the concept of naturecultures, participants will engage in multi-sensory,...

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    Course Fee:
    EUR 580
  • Aesthetic Transformation Processes: Inspiration across Disciplinary Boundaries

    #interdisciplinary #finearts

    A focus lies on idea-generating and cross-disciplinary processes and combines it with fieldtrips within Berlin. How does inspiration come about? How do we find ideas? How can we creatively...

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    Course Fee:
    EUR 685