Biographical-Documentary Working Methods in the Context of Art

This workshop takes the participants' narratives as the starting point for an artistic process. Focusing on personal and practice-oriented research, we'll put the biographical material in a socio-political context and test methods of fictionalization.

Biographical and documentary working methods are known in the most varied of artistic disciplines, especially in the visual and performative arts. Installations by Tracey Emin and Christian Boltanski, performances by Josef Beuys, Christoph Schlingensief, Marina Abramovic or theater productions by Rimini Protokoll: they all use biographical and documentary working methods in their artistic practice.

This interdisciplinary, practical seminar conveys concrete methods to generate biographical and documentary material and to research it artistically. The focus here is on the methodology of creative writing, working with objects and body-based performance. The biographical experiences that are “inscribed” in the bodies become the starting point for scenic improvisations and choreographies.

Participants in the workshop will also have the opportunity to reflect on their individual biography in a socio-political context, to look at it from multiple perspectives and to try out strategies of fictionalization. These working methods can be tried out collectively in the seminar and modified and designed for individual artistic practice.

Gudrun Herrbold is an actress, theatre director and lecturer in theatre education and performance. She studied German, philosophy and political science in Cologne, acting in Berlin and New York and Art in Context at the UdK Berlin. 2007-2010 she was professor for Art in Action at the HBK Braunschweig, since then she teaches at the UdK Berlin and other universities and educational institutes. She has been realising biographical-documentary theatre projects since 1998.

Run period:
24.08.2022 – 27.08.2022
Course time:
10.00 am – 3.00 pm
Application Deadline:

Course fee:
EUR 290

Min. number of participants:
Max. number of participants:

Registration deadline has passed. Limited places still available.